
Every client will be given a full, free consultation prior to any treatments. This enables me to develop your individual treatment plan tailored to your personal needs.  Any clients receiving Botulinum Toxin will be given a follow up appointment 2 weeks after treatment to assess the results and modify if required. 

botulinum TOXIN

Botulinum Toxin (Botox, Bocouture) is used to reduce the effects of facial wrinkles and lines, can tighten the skin on the neck, alter the shape of the jaw line, and reduce the jowl area. This treatment can also be used to reduce tension in the jaw muscles that can cause teeth clenching and tension headaches.   Gumy smiles and down turned smiles can also be reduced by using toxins.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can achieve various aesthetic results from deep crease reduction, to lip enhancement, jaw and cheek reshaping and scar modification

Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

A non surgical rhinoplasty (nose job) is an excellent alternative to surgery. By using dermal fillers, bumps can be reduced and the shape of the nose can be altered 

excessive sweating

Excessive sweating (hyperhydrosis) can be reduced using Botulinum Toxin (Botox, Bocouture). This is a quick and simple solution to this embarassing problem

I use high quality injectables and equipment to ensure you get the best results. If you have a personal preference for a particular brand, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate your request.